Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Mother

My mother, the cook,
My mother, the seamstress,
My mother, the artist,
My mother, the designer,
My mother, the hiker,
My mother, the jeweler,
My mother, the photographer,
My mother, the decorator,
My mother, the explorer,
My mother, the silversmith,
My mother, the home maker,
My mother, the gardener,
My mother, the gamer,
My mother, the supporter,
My mother, the camper,
My mother, the entertainer,
My mother, the caregiver,
My mother, walnut enthusiast,
My mother, the painter,
My mother, the gift giver,
My mother, gift receiver,
My mother, the teacher,
My mother, the peace maker,
My mother, the biker,
My mother, the butcher,
My mother, the baker,
Yes, even the candle maker.
My mother, my friend...
My mom can do anything and she does! I want to be just like her when I grow up.

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