Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Mother's Day that was an Eleven...

The perfect Mother's Day, thanks to the best husband and kids any mother could wish for...Homemade banana & blackberry pancakes in bed. Gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. Everyone ready in time to walk to church together. Ryan gave the opening prayer. Lauren and Burke sang I Often Go Walking, with the other primary children, in Sacrament meeting. My favorite hymn, Families can be Together Forever, was the closing song (didn't even cry). Dinner was my all time favorite meal - Swordfish with black beans and rice - Done to perfection on the grill - yummmm. Hot out of the oven brownies and milk for dessert. Long family bike ride with pit stop at the park (72 degrees, blue sky, no wind). Refreshing, homemade banana and blackberry smoothies.
I'm not sure I deserve any of this but I enjoyed every minute of it. Life is great, I wouldn't change a thing! I LOVE MY FAMILY

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