Monday, May 26, 2008


Been very busy with the end of school happenings. Threw a Montenegrin style graduation party for Ana last week then drove to Montrose for Chelsea's Irish style graduation party this week. This picture was taken on Saturday during our drive over to Montrose, take notice of the girls' attire - Brrrr.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Mother's Day that was an Eleven...

The perfect Mother's Day, thanks to the best husband and kids any mother could wish for...Homemade banana & blackberry pancakes in bed. Gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. Everyone ready in time to walk to church together. Ryan gave the opening prayer. Lauren and Burke sang I Often Go Walking, with the other primary children, in Sacrament meeting. My favorite hymn, Families can be Together Forever, was the closing song (didn't even cry). Dinner was my all time favorite meal - Swordfish with black beans and rice - Done to perfection on the grill - yummmm. Hot out of the oven brownies and milk for dessert. Long family bike ride with pit stop at the park (72 degrees, blue sky, no wind). Refreshing, homemade banana and blackberry smoothies.
I'm not sure I deserve any of this but I enjoyed every minute of it. Life is great, I wouldn't change a thing! I LOVE MY FAMILY

My Mother

My mother, the cook,
My mother, the seamstress,
My mother, the artist,
My mother, the designer,
My mother, the hiker,
My mother, the jeweler,
My mother, the photographer,
My mother, the decorator,
My mother, the explorer,
My mother, the silversmith,
My mother, the home maker,
My mother, the gardener,
My mother, the gamer,
My mother, the supporter,
My mother, the camper,
My mother, the entertainer,
My mother, the caregiver,
My mother, walnut enthusiast,
My mother, the painter,
My mother, the gift giver,
My mother, gift receiver,
My mother, the teacher,
My mother, the peace maker,
My mother, the biker,
My mother, the butcher,
My mother, the baker,
Yes, even the candle maker.
My mother, my friend...
My mom can do anything and she does! I want to be just like her when I grow up.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ryan 'hearts' Tammy...

It was written on the bathroom mirror with soap. Ahh, how sweet. Wait, this is Ryan we are talking about. You have to expect the unexpected from him (haven't you seen his blog?) This seemingly romantic gesture was no exception. The heart in 'Ryan - hearts - Tammy' was drawn anatomically correct. I'm not sure how to take this? I thought about returning the sentiment with a 'Tammy - lungs - Ryan' or a 'Tammy - livers - Ryan' but I wasn't sure how to draw either one of them and I didn't want him to mistake them for something that might send the 'wrong' message. I just politely smiled and told him how sweet he is then quickly hurried down the stairs to find some housework that needed to be done. I wouldn't trade him for anything.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom

We celebrated my mother's 70Th birthday this past weekend. We (my dad, and all her posterity) gave her exactly what she wanted. Are you ready for this? She wanted a bicycle! The look on her face was priceless. She was as giddy as a school girl. She was so excited to hop on it she didn't bother putting on her shoes. The other ladies on the street came out to see her new ride - now they all want one too. The next day she surprised me when she rode to my house to pay us a visit. Of course, Sage and I saddled up and joined her for a ride around the block. Mom learned a couple of important lessons that day...

1) What goes down the hill must also go back up.
2) Tell your husband where you are going and how long you will be gone (or take your cell phone with you).