Sunday, July 6, 2008

To live or not to live...

To live or not to live - if that's the question, what's the answer? My dad has always been coined as a 'workaholic'. When I was growing up, he was an airline pilot who would be gone for weeks at a time. When he was home he didn't rest much. We lived on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains in Montrose, Colorado. A few of of the things I remember about my dad during my childhood include remodeling our century old home. I remember him stripping the wallpaper off the walls of my bedroom, pulling out old carpet, building an addition to the big red barn. He dug a lot of fence post holes, took care of our farm animals which included chasing llamas all over Spring Creek Mesa - good thing he was also a marathon runner! He loves hunting, especially on horse back. I've always thought of my dad as a true western Cowboy. He is crazy enough to eat off the same plate with a rattlesnake. That's what makes him so much fun.

My dad is 71 years old now but you wouldn't know it. I think age is 99% attitude (he has a lot of attitude). It's how old you feel that counts. We got him a Schwinn single speed bike for Father's day last month. He's been riding that bike all over the neighborhood. When I see him standing up on his pedals, pumping up the hills, I have a glimpse of the boy that was delivering newspapers 60 years ago. My dad hasn't changed much - just a little more cynical. He's always been determined to 'do', to keep going and to not give up. My dad was having chest pains while he was working last Thursday. Being the determined man that he is, he finished his job before taking himself to the hospital in Frisco. He then was rushed, via ambulance, down the mountain to Porter Hospital where he underwent his third heart procedure in 12 years. Within minutes of being in in Recovery, he was back on his cell phone taking care of work, orchestrating everything that needed to be done, making sure that he didn't let anyone down. Did I mention that this all took place on Independence Day. Ryan says he was celebrating his independence from Socialized Medicine.

So, back to my original question,'To live, or not to live' - My dad has chosen to live every day of his life. I heard him telling the nurse that it's quality of life not quantity that matters most to him. He wants to enjoy everyday because you never know when you'll run out of days. We might not all define 'The Good Life' the same way but I think we would all agree that we want it. Thank God I still have more days to share with my dad. I love my dad!

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