Monday, July 21, 2008

Chip of the old...

I found out today that I have souvenir from our ride to Bergen Peak - I chipped the hook of my Hamet bone in my left hand. Of course it's exactly where my hand needs to rest on my handle bars. It should stop hurting in a couple months. I don't even have a fun story to go with the injury. I had just lost my balance (probably due to lack of oxygen at the top of the mountain) and caught my self with my hand on a boulder. I had to ride all the way down the mountain with horrible pain - I thought I had broken my wrist. I just kept my hand firmly gripping the handlebar, not moving it all - it actually went numb so that it was tolerable. I couldn't shift because any hand movement would make the pain unbearable. I think Ryan and I, between the two of us, have seen all the specialists and Advanced Orthopedics & Sports Medicine.

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