Thursday, June 13, 2019

Today I officially begin my self guided journey in understanding Yoga and learning how to incorporate it in my everyday life.

I began practicing yoga 18 months ago in a small studio just 2 miles from my home. At first it was scary and awkward but I had pre-paid for an entire year of classes so I was committed. During the first month it was difficult for me to find the time to go to class; responsibilities of being a wife and mother were getting in the way. For the next month, the studio instituted a challenge to encourage all us Yogis to attend more classes. It was February and the theme of the challenge was ‘Self Love’.   I found myself going 5-6 days a week for the entire month. It didn’t take long for me to start feeling the positive effects the classes were having on my mind and body. The postures (asanas) weren’t too difficult in my beginner class but I found that the standing poses were almost unbearable. My feet hurt so bad from what I think was planterfaciatus and my lack of balance was embarrassing...but I didn’t give up.. I had 10 months of pre-paid classes left. After the second month of Yoga, I found myself craving it and looking forward to going to class. Sooner than I expected, I stopped worrying about what others in my class were doing or what I looked liked, I just focused on myself and my own journey of self improvement. I found myself closing my eyes and focusing on how I felt, listening to my instructor and really trying my best. Every month I could see and feel more improvement in my physical and mental health. The aches and pains that had slowed me down for 4 years had vanished. In May, my husband and I celebrated our 25th anniversary in Sonoma California - I took my yoga mat with me and continued my practice. Yoga was officially a permanent part of my life.

My next level - reading these back to back:


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