Saturday, January 2, 2010

What will the next ten years bring? As I reflect back at the last ten years I realize that there were a lot of surprises that I would not have predicted.

  • We went in to 2000 with two children and came out with four. -Rosemary was born at the end of 2000 and was our 'last' child - then, halfway through the decade, we were blessed with our bonus baby, Sage.
  • I bought my dream car, sold it and bought it back again.
  • We bought our first home and moved to Castle Rock.
  • Ryan switched careers from Psychology to Technology.
  • Ryan and I both got serious about mountain biking.
  • I, for the first time in my life, began running and was running 5 miles a day the year before Sage came along.
  • My parents lived in our basement for a year.
  • Chelsea lived with us for a year.
  • We hosted a foreign exchange student for a year.
  • We mostly finished our basement.
  • We finally took the kids to Disney World - three times.
  • Ashley began playing tennis and is on her HS tennis team.
  • Lauren and Rosemary were admitted to the gifted and talented program in school and have read more books than I have my whole life.
  • Lauren completed her first triathlon.
  • We laid 2,000 sq feet of hard word.
  • Ryan finally got a set of real speakers.
  • Tammy finally got a real rock and a real sewing machine.
  • Ashley got her drivers permit.
  • Lauren broke her head and her arm - at different times.
  • Rosemary got to ride in an ambulance.
  • The Osbornes got a family dog.
  • I had foot surgery - THREE times.
  • Ryan had dual hernia surgery, mouth surgery and broke his collar bone - all in the same year.
  • All of my family lives in Colorado at the same time.
  • We lost Aaron.
  • I gained the title of 'Vice President'.
  • I was nearly laid off from my job.
  • I work from home full time
  • Ryan and I both reconnected with our exes.
  • We were in the biggest snow storm of the century.
  • We went to the temple with 3 of my nephews.
  • Ryan turned 40.

My favorite technology advances:
  • HD/Flatscreen TVs
  • Flat Screen computer monitors
  • Wireless networks
  • iPhone (I LOVE MY iPhone) & 3G network
  • USAA deposit from home
  • Ability to work from ANYWHERE
  • Social networking via the internet.
What do I hope for from the next 10 years:

Ryan will ride the Leadville 100 and get a belt buckle.
Tammy will run the Boulder Boulder every year.
Tammy will complete a triathlon before her 41st birthday.

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