Saturday, April 26, 2008

fall seven times, get back up eight...

Let's just say that taking up running again (after a three year break to have a baby and three ankle surgeries) is not as much fun as it sounds. It better be worth it. I picked the steepest hill by our house and proceeded to run up it at a pace I thought was fair. Hmm, it only lasted for one minute then I was back to walking. I alternated the running and walking in one minute intervals until I reached the top. Not an easy feat (even on my bike). Biking is the whole reason behind my madness. I live for biking, so why do I run? I want to be able to ride my bike up hills without getting winded - OK honestly, I just want to be able to make it up the hills winded or not. Ryan, my motivator and example, makes mountains look so easy. Ryan and I have a favorite single track trail near our house. He's always the considerate and motivating husband who allows me to set the pace so that we can enjoy the ride together - he loves me, he really loves me. However, the last time we went together I set him free to go at his own pace so he could get a good work out (I really just didn't want the pressure of him behind me but don't tell him that). Holy Cow - he not only left me in the dust he lapped me 2 times! The approach to the top of the mesa (where all the fun is) is a steady 3 mile climb with a horrible gut busting stretch right before the top that is impossible to ride - I would guess that only 1 percent of the riders can actually ride up the hill of death - Ryan is one of them! By the time I reached the top, pushing my bike, Ryan had already completed the 2 mile loop at the top so he rode the loop again, with me. Once we completed the loop together we decided to do it one more time before descending back down the hill of death to our car. Ryan jumped on his bike, patted me on my bum and took off in front of me yelling back to me - I'll catch you! I was puzzled... I yelled back to him 'but you're in front of me' and he said 'I know'. Then I realized what he was up to. He was going to try to lap me and catch up to me from behind. Great, here we go. I made it around the loop and down the hill of death and was about 50 feet from the car, the whole time wondering where he was, then I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard his deep voice 'caught you'. He did it, he lapped me! He did twice as many miles as me that day. That's why I run!

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