Sunday, September 28, 2008

Busy Summer...

We have had a terrific summer.

We went camping at Turquoise Lake (over 10,ooo feet high). We took Grandma and Grandpa with us. We were so glad we had Grandma with us, she was prepared for anything and everything. She set up the coolest outdoor kitchen I've ever seen. Grandpa helped Burke to to catch his first fish! It rained a lot while we were there but we were prepared so it didn't slow us down at all. The best part of all was the Reagans suprising us for a day.

Over Labor Day weekend, we went to Utah to visit Ryan's family. We stayed at Reese & Rich's house. It was so nice. I felt like I was at a spa. Their basement is beautiful; it's inspiring Ryan and me to finish ours. On Saturday we had a BBQ at their house and his Nana, aunts, uncles and cousins came. Mom & Dad even flew out from Indiana. On Saturday morning just the 'Girls' (Reese, Mom, Ashley, Lauren & me) sneaked up to Midway to the Swiss Days festival. That was so much fun. Lots of fun things to look at and buy. Oh, almost forgot, Rich and Reese took us out on their jet ski. What a blast. Ryan totally dumped us on our first trip out. Thanks to Reese and Rich for the great weekend!

In the middle of September, Ryan and I got away, just the two of us, to Oregon. Our friends Patty & Dan tied the knot. The wedding was so beautiful. They were married in a Hazel Nut orchard. The colors we gorgeous. the weather was perfect and the bride was beautiful. I hope one of my girls get married in September so I can copy. While we were there, Ryan and I attempted to see as much of the Oregon coast as possible.

Now the kids are back in school and life goes back to normal ('Normal' being relative). Lauren and Rosemary have started in the gifted & talented program and Ashley has started high school - it will be a challenging year for them but they are doing awesome! Sage is loving grandmas house. She asks to go there every morning.